Nonchylous bilateral pleural effusion in a newborn: A rare case

(2019) Nonchylous bilateral pleural effusion in a newborn: A rare case. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. ISSN 1735-1995


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A full‑term male infant weighing 3600 g, appropriate for gestation, was born to a 19‑year‑old primigravida woman at the 39th week of gestation by lower cesarean section secondary to cephalopelvic disproportion. He was discharged in a healthy and stable condition 24 h after birth with his mother after several times of successful breastfeeding

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Nonchylous bilateral pleural effusion in a newborn: A rare case
Subjects: WF Respiratory System > WF 140-900 Diseases of the Respiratory System
WS Pediatrics
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine > Departments of Clinical Sciences > Department of Pediatrics
Faculty of Medicine > Student Research Committee
Isfahan Eye Research Center
Journal or Publication Title: Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Journal Index: ISI
Volume: 24
Identification Number: ARTN 11 10.4103/jrms.JRMS₇₉₉₁₈
ISSN: 1735-1995
Depositing User: Zahra Otroj

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