Feasibility, complication and long-term follow-up of the newly nelaton based urethral dilation method, retrospective study

(2019) Feasibility, complication and long-term follow-up of the newly nelaton based urethral dilation method, retrospective study. American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology. pp. 378-383. ISSN 2330-1910

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Official URL: WOS:000505759200002


Introduction: Current methods for Urethral dilatation include filiforms and followers, metal sounds, balloon dilators, catheters of increasing size, introduction of a Council catheter over a guidewire, and coaxial dilators of increasing size. These methods however are effective but expensive and use of them is limited in many third world countries. In this retrospective study, we report the feasibility, complication and long-term follow-up of the newly Nelaton based urethral dilation method following by self calibration plan as a single referral center experience. Method: We reviewed the records of 333 men with urethral stricture longer than 1 cm over a 16-year period between March 2001 to December 2018. In this method the straight flexi-tip guide-wire is introduced through the urethra and advanced under cystoscopic vision. This wire then was used to guide the dilatation after withdrawal of the cystoscope. The tip of well-lubricated Nelaton urethral catheters incised and then advanced gently over the guide-wire serially from the smallest to the largest appropriate sizes. The patients were followed up regularly after the dilatation 1, 3, 6, 12 months and then annually postoperatively with taking history, PVR and uroflowmetry and all underwent retrograde urethrography at the 6th and 12th months of follow-up. Result: The mean age of patients was 39.19 +/- 16.9 years old (10 to 86 years). The mean period of the follow-up was 3.6 +/- 1.1 years (range, 3 to 4.3 years). Success rate after first attempted was 58.5 and after two attempted was 77.7 in two years follow up. After one year 51 (15.3), two years 23 (6.9) and after three years 11 (3.3) cases required continued self dilatation once a month. Conclusion: Guide wire-assisted urethral dilatation is shown to be acceptable, cost-effective, simple, safe and feasible techniques for urethral dilation. Our technique may be the choice manner in selected patients with short memberanous urethral stricture, because of decrease the risk of incontinency.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Urethral stricture urethral dilatation internal urethrotomy clean intermittent catheterization nelaton intermittent self-catheterization internal urethrotomy stricture disease dilatation management laser Urology & Nephrology
Subjects: WJ Urogenital System
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine
Page Range: pp. 378-383
Journal or Publication Title: American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology
Journal Index: ISI
Volume: 7
Number: 6
ISSN: 2330-1910
Depositing User: Zahra Otroj
URI: http://eprints.mui.ac.ir/id/eprint/11104

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