Using chaotic advection for facile high-throughput fabrication of ordered multilayer micro- and nanostructures: continuous chaotic printing

(2020) Using chaotic advection for facile high-throughput fabrication of ordered multilayer micro- and nanostructures: continuous chaotic printing. Biofabrication. ISSN 1758-5082

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This paper introduces the concept of continuous chaotic printing, i.e. the use of chaotic flows for deterministic and continuous extrusion of fibers with internal multilayered micro- or nanostructures. Two free-flowing materials are coextruded through a printhead containing a miniaturized Kenics static mixer (KSM) composed of multiple helicoidal elements. This produces a fiber with a well-defined internal multilayer microarchitecture at high-throughput (>1.0 m min(-1)). The number of mixing elements and the printhead diameter determine the number and thickness of the internal lamellae, which are generated according to successive bifurcations that yield a vast amount of inter-material surface area (similar to 10(2)cm(2)cm(-3)) at high resolution (similar to 10 mu m). This creates structures with extremely high surface area to volume ratio (SAV). Comparison of experimental and computational results demonstrates that continuous chaotic 3D printing is a robust process with predictable output. In an exciting new development, we demonstrate a method for scaling down these microstructures by 3 orders of magnitude, to the nanoscale level (similar to 150 nm), by feeding the output of a continuous chaotic 3D printhead into an electrospinner. The simplicity and high resolution of continuous chaotic printing strongly supports its potential use in novel applications, including-but not limited to-bioprinting of multi-scale layered biological structures such as bacterial communities, living tissues composed of organized multiple mammalian cell types, and fabrication of smart multi-material and multilayered constructs for biomedical applications.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Chaos bioprinting multi-material multilayered microarchitecture 3D-printing nanostructure lamellae KENICS STATIC MIXER TIME FLOW OPTIMIZATION DENSITY DEVICES SYSTEMS
Subjects: QT Physiology
W General Medicine. Health Professions
Divisions: Cardiovascular Research Institute > Applied Physiology Research Center
Journal or Publication Title: Biofabrication
Journal Index: ISI
Volume: 12
Number: 3
Identification Number:
ISSN: 1758-5082
Depositing User: Zahra Otroj

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