Factors associated with cigarette smoking in central parts of Iran

(2017) Factors associated with cigarette smoking in central parts of Iran. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. pp. 647-653. ISSN 15137368 (ISSN)

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Background: This study aims to assess factors associated with cigarette smoking in central parts of Iran. Materials and methods: We used the data of the post intervention phase of Isfahan Healthy Heart Program (IHHP) that was conducted in 2007. Logistic regression was used for calculating crude and adjusted Odds Ratios (OR). The group with the least prevalence of smoking was considered as the Reference Group (RG) and the OR for other parts of the variable was calculated based on the RG and reported with a confidence interval of 95. Findings: Generally, 9513 individuals participated in the study, of which 13.5 were smokers (26.2 of men and 0.8 of women). The OR for cigarette smoking in men compared with women in (RG) was 13.89 (95 Confidence Interval (CI) 7.44-24.82). Among rural areas, compared with urban areas in (RG), the OR was 0.98 (95 CI 0.82-1.15); and among elementary education level compared to illiterate individuals the OR was 4.37 (95 CI 1.68-10.76). The OR in individuals in the age group 35-44, compared with the age group of 65 and older in (RG) was 2.49 (95 CI 1.81-3.45). The place most used for cigarette smoking was streets (72.1); and the main reason for starting or continuing cigarette smoking, according to smokers' opinions, was pleasure and fun. Conclusion: The highest number of smokers was in 35-44 years men, in rural areas, with elementary education level; so, they are the ones who need more attention through implementation of educational programs for awareness, improved attitudes and practices, and smoking cessation programs.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Cigarette Iran Logistic regression Odds ratio adult aged awareness confidence interval controlled study education female heart human logistic regression analysis major clinical study male pleasure prevalence rural area smoking cessation program urban area
Divisions: Cardiovascular Research Institute
Cardiovascular Research Institute > Cardiac Rehabilitation Research Center
Faculty of Health > Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Page Range: pp. 647-653
Journal or Publication Title: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
Journal Index: Scopus
Volume: 18
Number: 3
Identification Number: https://doi.org/10.22034/APJCP.2017.18.3.647
ISSN: 15137368 (ISSN)
Depositing User: مهندس مهدی شریفی
URI: http://eprints.mui.ac.ir/id/eprint/2047

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