A nanofibrous bilayered scaffold for tissue engineering of small-diameter blood vessels

(2018) A nanofibrous bilayered scaffold for tissue engineering of small-diameter blood vessels. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. pp. 3151-3158. ISSN 1042-7147

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The main challenge encountered in clinical efficacy of tissue engineered vascular grafts is development of a biomimetic scaffold. To establish a scaffold resembling the architecture of the native blood vessels, a bilayered small-diameter nanofibrous tubular scaffold was fabricated by sequential electrospinning process. The inner layer of the scaffold was electrospun from a blend of fast degrading poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS), a hydrophilic and elastomeric polymer, and slowly degrading polycaprolactone (PCL), with a weight ratio of 2:1, while the outer layer was electrospun using PCL. Our findings elucidated that nanofibrous PCL outer layer can improve the mechanical integrity and at the same time the presence of PGS within the nanofibers of the inner layer provides a nonthrombogenic interface. Additionally, electrospun PGS/PCL nanofibers with an appropriate balance between hydrophilic and hydrophobic characteristics served a suitable substrate for adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs); meanwhile, sufficient pore size provided by the inner layer facilitated cell infiltration into the interior of the scaffold.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: bilayered tubular scaffold electrospun nanofibers poly(glycerol sebacate) polycaprolactone vascular tissue engineering electrospun tecophilic/gelatin nanofibers novo matrix synthesis poly(glycerol sebacate) mechanical-properties vascular grafts in-vitro cells biodegradation design fibers
Divisions: Cardiovascular Research Institute > Applied Physiology Research Center
Cardiovascular Research Institute > Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center
School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine > Department of Biomaterials, Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering
Page Range: pp. 3151-3158
Journal or Publication Title: Polymers for Advanced Technologies
Journal Index: ISI
Volume: 29
Number: 12
Identification Number: https://doi.org/10.1002/pat.4437
ISSN: 1042-7147
Depositing User: Zahra Otroj
URI: http://eprints.mui.ac.ir/id/eprint/9800

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