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(2015) 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin decrease expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in peripheral lymphocyte of beta-thalassemia major patients. Advanced biomedical research. p. 218. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) (99m)Tc-Phytate Lymphoscintigraphy for Detection of Sentinel Node: Preliminary Results of the First Year's Clinical Experience in Isfahan, Iran. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 69-74. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) AT1R A1166C variants in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy. Journal of nephropathology. pp. 69-76. ISSN 2251-8363 (Print) 2251-8363 (Linking)
(2015) Absence of association between -286C>A>T polymorphism in the CRP gene and metabolic syndrome in Iranian pediatric. Advanced biomedical research. p. 210. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Accuracy and reliability of linear measurements using tangential projection and cone beam computed tomography. Dental research journal. pp. 271-7. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Acute Kidney Injury in ICU Patients Following Non-Cardiac Surgery at Masih Daneshvari Hospital: Joint Modeling Application. Tanaffos. pp. 49-54. ISSN 1735-0344 (Print) 1735-0344 (Linking)
(2015) Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance: A 6 years study, Isfahan, Iran. Advanced biomedical research. p. 99. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Adding diclofenac to Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen. Advanced biomedical research. p. 143. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Adherence to Mediterranean diet and risk of breast cancer in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Archives of Iranian Medicine. pp. 786-92. ISSN 1735-3947 (Electronic) 1029-2977 (Linking)
(2015) Adiponectin and chronic kidney disease; a review on recent findings. Journal of nephropharmacology. pp. 63-68. ISSN 2345-4202 (Print) 2345-4202 (Linking)
(2015) Agreement between static magnetic resonance urography and diuretic renal scintigraphy in patients with ureteropelvic junction obstruction after pyeloplasty. Advanced biomedical research. p. 186. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Analysis of Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram Based on the Hessian Matrix of Directional Curvelet Sub-bands and Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 141-55. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) Analysis of some predictive factors of quality of life among type 2 diabetic patients. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 9. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Analysis of the quality of hospital information systems in Isfahan teaching hospitals based on the DeLone and McLean model. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 5. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Annexin V FITC conjugated as a radiation toxicity indicator in lymphocytes following radiation overexposure in radiotherapy programs. Advanced biomedical research. p. 119. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Anthropometric predictive equations for estimating body composition. Advanced biomedical research. p. 34. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Antigenic profile of heat-killed versus thimerosal-treated Leishmania major using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 128. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Securigera securidaca seeds in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Advanced biomedical research. p. 33. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The Antioxidative Effect of Chamomile, Anthocyanoside and their Combination on Bleomycin-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis in Rat. Medical archives (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina). pp. 229-31. ISSN 0350-199X (Print) 0350-199X (Linking)
(2015) Application of Bayesian Multilevel Space-Time Models to Study Relative Risk of Esophageal Cancer in Iran 2005-2007 at a County Level. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. pp. 5787-92. ISSN 2476-762X (Electronic) 1513-7368 (Linking)
(2015) Applied Endoscopic Anatomical Evaluation of the Lacrimal Sac. Iranian journal of otorhinolaryngology. pp. 213-7. ISSN 2251-7251 (Print) 2251-7251 (Linking)
(2015) Applying and comparing empirical and full Bayesian models in study of evaluating relative risk of suicide among counties of Ilam province. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 50. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Are there any differences in education levels and changes of cardiovascular risk factors among urban and rural population: Isfahan Healthy Heart Program. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 24. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Assessment of IgG Antibodies Against HSV1, HSV2, CMV and EBV in Patients with Pemphigus Vulgaris Versus Healthy People. Journal of dentistry (Tehran, Iran). pp. 835-40. ISSN 1735-2150 (Print) 1735-2150 (Linking)
(2015) Assessment of dental student satisfaction with regard to process of thesis educational courses. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 101. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Assessment of radiation treatment chain for cervical cancer with combined external and brachy radiation therapy. The Gulf journal of oncology. pp. 24-9. ISSN 2078-2101 (Print) 2078-2101 (Linking)
(2015) Assessment of the Quality of Delivered Care for Iranian patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis by Using Comprehensive Quality Measurement Model in Health Care (CQMH). Journal of caring sciences. pp. 287-96. ISSN 2251-9920 (Print) 2251-9920 (Linking)
(2015) Association between Interleukin-23 Receptor R381Q Gene. Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology. pp. 386-91. ISSN 1735-1502 (Print) 1735-1502 (Linking)
(2015) Association between adipokine and myeloperoxidase levels in patients with coronary artery disease. Acta medica Iranica. pp. 25-9. ISSN 1735-9694 (Electronic) 0044-6025 (Linking)
(2015) Association between retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and magnetic resonance imaging findings and intelligence in patients with multiple sclerosis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 223. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Association of Helicobacter pylori antibodies and severity of migraine attack. Iranian journal of neurology. pp. 125-9. ISSN 2008-384X (Print) 2008-384X (Linking)
(2015) Association of glomerular C4d deposition with various demographic data in IgA nephropathy patients; a preliminary study. Journal of nephropathology. pp. 19-23. ISSN 2251-8363 (Print) 2251-8363 (Linking)
(2015) Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), nitric oxide metabolite, and estradiol levels in serum and peritoneal fluid in women with endometriosis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 484-9. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Attitude and practices among dentists and senior dental students in iran toward tobacco cessation as an effort to prevent oral cancer. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. pp. 333-8. ISSN 2476-762X (Electronic) 1513-7368 (Linking)
(2015) Autologous blood reservation is vital for pregnant patient with intermediate thalassemia. Advanced biomedical research. p. 248. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Barriers to Research Activities from the Perspective of the Students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Acta informatica medica : AIM : journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia & Herzegovina : casopis Drustva za medicinsku informatiku BiH. pp. 155-9. ISSN 0353-8109 (Print) 0353-8109 (Linking)
(2015) Biodegradable nanocomposite coatings accelerate bone healing: In vivo evaluation. Dental research journal. pp. 89-99. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Biomarkers for evaluation of prostate cancer prognosis. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. pp. 2601-11. ISSN 2476-762X (Electronic) 1513-7368 (Linking)
(2015) Brain tumors: Special characters for research and banking. Advanced biomedical research. p. 4. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Bronchodilatory and B-adrenergic effects of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Althaea root on isolated tracheobronchial smooth rat muscle. Advanced biomedical research. p. 78. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Buccinator flap as a method for palatal fistula and VPI management. Advanced biomedical research. p. 135. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Can Subcision with the Cannula be an Acceptable Alternative Method in Treatment of Acne Scars? Medical archives (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina). pp. 384-6. ISSN 0350-199X (Print) 0350-199X (Linking)
(2015) Can we define severity of carpal tunnel syndrome by ultrasound? Advanced biomedical research. p. 138. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Cancer epidemiology and trends in Sistan and Baluchestan province, Iran. Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. p. 254. ISSN 1016-1430 (Print) 1016-1430 (Linking)
(2015) Case Presentation of Concomitant and Contiguous Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor and Focal Cemento-Ossifying Dysplasia. The open dentistry journal. pp. 340-5. ISSN 1874-2106 (Print) 1874-2106 (Linking)
(2015) Case report of the bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. Advanced biomedical research. p. 30. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Causes and rates of revision total knee arthroplasty: Local results from Isfahan, Iran. Advanced biomedical research. p. 111. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Challenges in conducting qualitative research in health: A conceptual paper. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 635-41. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Challenges in nursing continuing education: A qualitative study. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 378-86. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Changes in blood glucose level during and after light sedations using propofol-fentanyl and midazolam-fentanyl in diabetic patients who underwent cataract surgery. Advanced biomedical research. p. 222. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Changes of neural markers expression during late neurogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells. Advanced biomedical research. p. 209. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Check the status of the development of children under age 5 in rural areas of Isfahan using the ASQ questionnaire in 2012-2013 year. Journal of medicine and life. pp. 169-173. ISSN 1844-3117 (Electronic) 1844-122X (Linking)
(2015) Cigarette smoking effect on human cochlea responses. Advanced biomedical research. p. 148. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Circadian type, chronic fatigue, and serum IgM in the shift workers of an industrial organization. Advanced biomedical research. p. 61. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Client satisfaction of maternity care in Lorestan province Iran. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 398-404. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Clinical Presentation and the Outcome of Therapy in a Cohort of Patients with Methadone Toxicity in Iran. Materia socio-medica. pp. 276-9. ISSN 1512-7680 (Print) 1512-7680 (Linking)
(2015) Clinical outcomes of MyoRing implantation in keratoconic eyes by using the Femtosecond laser technology. Journal of medicine and life. pp. 66-71. ISSN 1844-3117 (Electronic) 1844-122X (Linking)
(2015) Clinical utility of residual latency in ulnar neuropathy at elbow: Is there any correlation? Advanced biomedical research. p. 21. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The Clinicopathologic Characteristics and 5-year Survival Rate of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer in Yazd, Iran. Electronic physician. pp. 1399-406. ISSN 2008-5842 (Print) 2008-5842 (Linking)
(2015) Cloning and expression of full-length human insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) in the Escherichia coli. Advanced biomedical research. p. 66. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Cobalt Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles as a Potential Magnetic Resonance Imaging Agent: An In vitro Study. Avicenna journal of medical biotechnology. pp. 64-8. ISSN 2008-2835 (Print) 2008-2835 (Linking)
(2015) Collagen cross-linking effect on progressive keratoconus in patients younger than 18 years of age: A clinical trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 245. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comments on ''Detection of galactomannan in the bronchoalveolar lavage of high-risk patients with invasive aspergillosis admitted at the intensive care unit'' by Khodavaisy et al. Current medical mycology. pp. 1-2. ISSN 2423-3439 (Print) 2423-3420 (Linking)
(2015) Community-based maternity care from the view of Iranian midwives: A phenomenological study. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 113-20. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Comparative evaluation of adding different opiates (morphine, meperidine, buprenorphine, or fentanyl) to lidocaine in duration and quality of axillary brachial plexus block. Advanced biomedical research. p. 232. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparative evaluation of eosinophils in normal mucosa, dysplastic mucosa and oral squamous cell carcinoma with hematoxylin-eosin, Congo red, and EMR1 immunohistochemical staining techniques. Electronic physician. pp. 1019-26. ISSN 2008-5842 (Print) 2008-5842 (Linking)
(2015) Comparative evaluation of hydroxyapatite and nano-bioglass in two forms of conventional micro- and nano-particles in repairing bone defects (an animal study). Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research. pp. 366-71. ISSN 1998-3603 (Electronic) 0970-9290 (Linking)
(2015) Comparative evaluation of low-level laser and systemic steroid therapy in adjuvant-enhanced arthritis of rat temporomandibular joint: A histological study. Dental research journal. pp. 215-23. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Comparative investigation of two surgical techniques of orchiopexy in the post-operative recurrence rate and testicular size in children in clinical trial study. Advanced biomedical research. p. 171. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparative study of the density of L2, L3, and L4 vertebrae in menopausal women aged over 50 years with osteoporosis. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 43. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Comparing cardiovascular factors in opium abusers and non-users candidate for coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Advanced biomedical research. p. 12. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparing right ventricular function and pulmonary artery pressure before and shortly after hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease. Advanced biomedical research. p. 197. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparing the APACHE II score and IBM-10 score for predicting mortality in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia. Advanced biomedical research. p. 47. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparing the Accuracy of Three Different Impression Materials in Making Duplicate Dies. Journal of international oral health : JIOH. pp. 12-6. ISSN 0976-7428 (Print) 0976-1799 (Linking)
(2015) Comparing the Marginal Adaptation of Cold Ceramic and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate by Means of Scanning Electron Microscope: An In vitro Study. Journal of international oral health : JIOH. pp. 7-10. ISSN 0976-7428 (Print) 0976-1799 (Linking)
(2015) Comparing the effect of intravenous dexamethasone, intravenous ondansetron, and their combination on nausea and vomiting in cesarean section with spinal anesthesia. Advanced biomedical research. p. 230. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparing the effects of reflexology and relaxation on fatigue in women with multiple sclerosis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 200-4. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Comparing the impact of acupuncture and pethidine on reducing labor pain. Advanced biomedical research. p. 46. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparing three different three-dimensional scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: an in vivo study. The journal of contemporary dental practice. pp. 25-30. ISSN 1526-3711 (Electronic) 1526-3711 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of Bayesian Spatial Ecological Regression Models for Investigating the Incidence of Breast Cancer in Iran, 2005- 2008. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. pp. 5669-73. ISSN 2476-762X (Electronic) 1513-7368 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of anxiety prevalence among based and offshore National Iranian Drilling Company staff's children in Ahvaz, 2013. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 37. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of emotional and non-emotional word repetitions in patients with aphasia. Advanced biomedical research. p. 164. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of five methods in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: Neck circumference, neck circumference to thyromental distance ratio, the ratio of height to thyromental distance, upper lip bite test and Mallampati test. Advanced biomedical research. p. 122. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of gene expression of SOX2 and OCT4 in normal tissue, polyps, and colon adenocarcinoma using immunohistochemical staining. Advanced biomedical research. p. 234. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of microleakage in Class II cavities restored with silorane-based and methacrylate-based composite resins using different restorative techniques over time. Dental research journal. pp. 150-6. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of the Absorbed Dose for (99m)Tc-Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid and (99m)Tc-Ethylenedicysteine Radiopharmaceuticals using Medical Internal Radiation Dosimetry. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 171-5. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of the accuracy of cardiac computed tomography angiography and transthoracic echocardiography in the diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse. Advanced biomedical research. p. 221. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of the effects of colloid preload, vasopressor administration and leg compression on hemodynamic changes during spinal anesthesia for lumbar disc surgery in knee-chest position. Advanced biomedical research. p. 181. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of the effects of enteral feeding through the bolus and continuous methods on blood sugar and prealbumin levels in ICU inpatients. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 95. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of the efficacy of nebulized budesonide and intravenous dexamethasone administration before extubation in prevention of post-extubation complications among patients admitted in intensive care unit. Advanced biomedical research. p. 11. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of the findings of endothelial specular microscopy before and after corneal cross-linking. Advanced biomedical research. p. 52. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison of vascular access use in hemodialysis patients in Isfahan in 2003 and 2013. Indian journal of nephrology. pp. 16-20. ISSN 0971-4065 (Print) 0971-4065 (Linking)
(2015) Comparison the results of two different vestibular system surgery in patients with persistent Meniere's disease. Advanced biomedical research. p. 198. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Compilation of the neonatal palliative care clinical guideline in neonatal intensive care unit. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 309-14. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Computerized Analysis of Acoustic Characteristics of Patients with Internal Nasal Valve Collapse Before and After Functional Rhinoplasty. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 210-9. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) Construction and Characterization of Recombinant HEK Cell Over Expressing alpha4 Integrin. Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin. pp. 429-34. ISSN 2228-5881 (Print) 2228-5881 (Linking)
(2015) Correlation between Hip Rotation Range-of-Motion Impairment and Low Back Pain. A Literature Review. Ortopedia, traumatologia, rehabilitacja. pp. 455-62. ISSN 2084-4336 (Electronic) 1509-3492 (Linking)
(2015) Correlation between Success Rates of Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation and the Educational Level of the Team Leader; A Cross-Sectional Study. Bulletin of emergency and trauma. pp. 138-43. ISSN 2322-2522 (Print) 2322-2522 (Linking)
(2015) 'Cuff Sign' a new maneuver for decision-making in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Advanced biomedical research. p. 73. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Cytokines gene expression in newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis patients. Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology. pp. 208-16. ISSN 1735-1502 (Print) 1735-1502 (Linking)
(2015) Cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of human lactoferrin against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Advanced biomedical research. p. 188. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Data analysis in oral history: A new approach in historical research. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 161-4. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Design and development of intraocular polymeric implant systems for long-term controlled-release of clindamycin phosphate for toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 32. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Design and expression of fusion protein consists of HBsAg and Polyepitope of HCV as an HCV potential vaccine. Advanced biomedical research. p. 243. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Design, formulation and evaluation of Aloe vera chewing gum. Advanced biomedical research. p. 175. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Designing and Dosimetry of a Shield for Photon Fields of Radiation Therapy in Oral Cavity Cancer. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 110-6. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) Detection and classification of Breast Cancer in Wavelet Sub-bands of Fractal Segmented Cancerous Zones. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 162-70. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) Detection of Candida albicans in oral squamous cell carcinoma by fluorescence staining technique. Dental research journal. pp. 115-20. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Detection of Legionella spp. by a nested-PCR assay in air samples of a wastewater treatment plant and downwind distances in Isfahan. Advanced biomedical research. p. 48. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Detection of mecA and enterotoxin genes in Staphylococcus aureus isolates associated with bovine mastitis and characterization of Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) in MRSA strains. Iranian journal of microbiology. pp. 161-7. ISSN 2008-3289 (Print) 2008-3289 (Linking)
(2015) Determination of Organ Doses in Radioiodine Therapy using Monte Carlo Simulation. World journal of nuclear medicine. pp. 16-8. ISSN 1450-1147 (Print) 1450-1147 (Linking)
(2015) Determining the Awareness and Attitude of Employees in Deputy of Health of Isfahan University of Medical Science toward Telemedicine and its Advantages. Acta informatica medica : AIM : journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia & Herzegovina : casopis Drustva za medicinsku informatiku BiH. pp. 97-101. ISSN 0353-8109 (Print) 0353-8109 (Linking)
(2015) Determining the effect of laser acupuncture in treating stutterers in comparison with speech therapy. Advanced biomedical research. p. 8. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Determining the level of awareness of the physicians in using the variety of electronic information resources and the effecting factors. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 49. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Detrimental predictive effect of metabolic syndrome on postoperative complications in patients who undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis. pp. 86-91. ISSN 0392-4203 (Print) 0392-4203 (Linking)
(2015) Development of hen antihepatitis B antigen IgY-based conjugate for ELISA assay. Advanced biomedical research. p. 100. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Developmental skills of 36-60-month-old children in Isfahan daycare centers in 2013. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 594-8. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Diabetes management: Influential paradigms. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 31. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Diagnostic challenges of low-grade central osteosarcoma of jaw: a literature review. Journal of dentistry (Shiraz, Iran). pp. 62-7. ISSN 2345-6485 (Print) 2345-6418 (Linking)
(2015) Dietary approaches to stop hypertension influence on insulin receptor substrate-1gene expression: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. pp. 832-7. ISSN 1735-1995 (Print) 1735-1995 (Linking)
(2015) Dietary intake of Zinc, serum levels of Zinc and risk of gastric cancer: A review of studies. Advanced biomedical research. p. 118. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Dietary nutrient intake and antioxidant status in preeclamptic women. Advanced biomedical research. p. 183. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) "Discrimination", the Main Concern of Iranian Nurses over Inter-Professional Collaboration: an Explorative Qualitative Study. Journal of caring sciences. pp. 115-23. ISSN 2251-9920 (Print) 2251-9920 (Linking)
(2015) Distribution of mediastinal ectopic thymic tissue in patients without thymic disease. Advanced biomedical research. p. 18. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Does nitrogen gas bubbled through a low density polymer gel dosimeter solution affect the polymerization process? Advanced biomedical research. p. 88. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Does working in hospital increases seroprevalence and carrier state against Bordetella pertussis? Advanced biomedical research. p. 194. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Dyskeratosis Congenita Without Oral Involvement: A Rare Hereditary Disease. Oman medical journal. pp. 212-5. ISSN 1999-768X (Print) 1999-768X (Linking)
(2015) Easy method for production of a home-made DNA ladder in every laboratory. Advanced biomedical research. p. 70. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The Effect of Fragaria vesca Extract on Smear Layer Removal: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation. Iranian endodontic journal. pp. 204-7. ISSN 1735-7497 (Print) 1735-7497 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of Gamma-aminobutyric acid on kidney injury induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion in male and female rats: Gender-related difference. Advanced biomedical research. p. 158. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of Orem's Self-Care Model on Self-Esteem of Adolescents with Asthma Referred to an Asthma and Allergy Clinic in Isfahan. Tanaffos. pp. 232-7. ISSN 1735-0344 (Print) 1735-0344 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein on the Expression of Runx2 and SPARC Genes in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. Iranian biomedical journal. pp. 160-4. ISSN 2008-823X (Electronic) 1028-852X (Linking)
(2015) Effect of Resistance Training on Capillary Density Around Slow and Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers in Diabetic and Normal Rats. Asian journal of sports medicine. e24040. ISSN 2008-000X (Print) 2008-000X (Linking)
(2015) Effect of a care plan based on Roy adaptation model biological dimension on stroke patients' physiologic adaptation level. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 275-81. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of a supportive-educative program in the math class for stress, anxiety, and depression in female students in the third level of junior high school: An action research. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 10. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of a trial pharmaceutical solution on reversing sensations after using lidocain: An animal study. Anesthesia, essays and researches. pp. 79-82. ISSN 0259-1162 (Print) 2229-7685 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of acupressure on milk volume of breastfeeding mothers referring to selected health care centers in Tehran. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 7-11. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of aminoguanidine on cardiovascular responses and survival time during blood loss: A study in normotensive and deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt hypertensive rats. International journal of applied & basic medical research. pp. 12-7. ISSN 2229-516X (Print) 2229-516X (Linking)
(2015) Effect of auriculotherapy on menstrual irregularities in single girls with polycystic ovarian syndrome and aged 18-35 years in Isfahan in 2012. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 190-4. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of cholecystokinin on learning and memory, neuronal proliferation and apoptosis in the rat hippocampus. Advanced biomedical research. p. 227. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of different impression materials and techniques on the dimensional accuracy of implant definitive casts. Dental research journal. pp. 136-43. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of educational intervention on knowledge, perceived benefits, barriers and self-efficacy regarding AIDS preventive behaviors among drug addicts. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 90. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of electrical spot welding on load deflection rate of orthodontic wires. Dental research journal. pp. 438-42. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of esmolol on myocardial protection in pediatrics congenital heart defects. Advanced biomedical research. p. 246. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of evidence-based approach on the customer orientation (Case study: Physicians Health Centers in Isfahan province in 2014). Journal of medicine and life. pp. 199-207. ISSN 1844-3117 (Electronic) 1844-122X (Linking)
(2015) Effect of hope therapy on depression, anxiety, and stress among the patients undergoing hemodialysis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 694-9. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of hope therapy on the hope of diabetic patients. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 75-80. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of human Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cell secretome on proliferation, apoptosis and drug resistance of lung cancer cells. Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. pp. 134-42. ISSN 1735-5362 (Print) 1735-5362 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of increase in duration of aprepitant consumption from 3 to 6 days on the prevention of nausea and vomiting in women receiving combination of anthracycline/cyclophosphamide chemotherapy: A randomized, crossover, clinical trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 238. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of information literacy training course on information literacy skills of undergraduate students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences based on ACRL standards. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 76. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of omega-3 supplementation on inflammatory parameters in patients on chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 167. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of peer education in school on sexual health knowledge and attitude in girl adolescents. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 78. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of public health nurses' educational intervention on self-care of the patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 88. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of self-care education on lifestyle modification, medication adherence and blood pressure in hypertensive adults: Randomized controlled clinical trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 204. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of self-care education on the quality of life in patients with breast cancer. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 70. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of stress inoculation training on the levels of stress, anxiety, and depression in cancer patients. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 359-64. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of taking dietary supplement on hematological and biochemical parameters in male bodybuilders an equation model. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 681-8. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of the processing cycle on dimensional changes of heat-polymerized denture base resins. Dental research journal. pp. 301-6. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of three nanobiomaterials on the surface roughness of bleached enamel. Contemporary clinical dentistry. pp. 466-70. ISSN 0976-237X (Print) 0976-2361 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy on early renal function: Does it deteriorate? Advanced biomedical research. p. 190. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of two polyethylene covers in prevention of hypothermia among premature neonates. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 322-6. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of type of luting agents on stress distribution in the bone surrounding implants supporting a three-unit fixed dental prosthesis: 3D finite element analysis. Dental research journal. pp. 57-63. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of using Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale on duration of mechanical ventilation, type and dosage of sedation on hospitalized patients in intensive care units. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 700-4. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of using nano and micro airborne abrasive particles on bond strength of implant abutment to prosthesis. Brazilian dental journal. pp. 50-5. ISSN 1806-4760 (Electronic) 0103-6440 (Linking)
(2015) Effect of vitamin C on endothelial function of children with chronic renal failure: An experimental study. Advanced biomedical research. p. 260. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effective factors in providing holistic care: a qualitative study. Indian journal of palliative care. pp. 214-24. ISSN 0973-1075 (Print) 0973-1075 (Linking)
(2015) The Effectiveness of Home Water Purification Systems on the Amount of Fluoride in Drinking Water. Journal of dentistry (Shiraz, Iran). pp. 278-81. ISSN 2345-6485 (Print) 2345-6418 (Linking)
(2015) The Effectiveness of a Newly Designed Orthosis on Knee Contact Forces in Subjects with Knee Osteoarthritis. Ortopedia, traumatologia, rehabilitacja. pp. 259-63. ISSN 2084-4336 (Electronic) 1509-3492 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of Soy Flour Fortified Bread Consumption on Cardiovascular Risk Factors According to APOE Genotypes in Overweight and Obese Adult Women: A Cross-over Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Clinical nutrition research. pp. 225-34. ISSN 2287-3732 (Print) 2287-3732 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of Thermal and Mechanical Load Cycling on the Dentin Microtensile Bond Strength of Single Bond-2. Journal of international oral health : JIOH. pp. 9-13. ISSN 0976-7428 (Print) 0976-1799 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of aerobic exercise on blood glucose in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 165-70. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of aerobic exercise on plasma lipoproteins in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Advanced biomedical research. p. 68. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of cumin on nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: A double blind, randomised, controlled trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 212. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of different anesthetic techniques on neurologic and adaptation capacity in newborn with elective cesarean section. Advanced biomedical research. p. 249. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of doxepin on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, mitogen-activated protein kinase 14, and AKT1 genes expression in rat hippocampus. Advanced biomedical research. p. 203. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of endodontic tri-antibiotic paste on bond strengths of dentin adhesives to coronal dentin. Restorative dentistry & endodontics. pp. 136-42. ISSN 2234-7658 (Print) 2234-7658 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of fluoxetine on memory under forced treadmill exercise conditions in male rats. Advanced biomedical research. p. 235. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of pain management program on the length of stay of patients with decreased level of consciousness: A clinical trial. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 502-7. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of pyridoxine supplementation on severity, frequency and duration of migraine attacks in migraine patients with aura: A double-blind randomized clinical trial study in Iran. Iranian journal of neurology. pp. 74-80. ISSN 2008-384X (Print) 2008-384X (Linking)
(2015) Effects of repeated treatment with cholecystokinin sulfated octapeptide on passive avoidance memory under chronic restraint stress in male rats. Advanced biomedical research. p. 150. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Effects of supportive-educative program on quality of life of adolescents living with a parent with cancer. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 577-81. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Efficacy of Different Techniques for Removing Debris from Endodontic Files Prior to Sterilization. Journal of international oral health : JIOH. pp. 42-6. ISSN 0976-7428 (Print) 0976-1799 (Linking)
(2015) The Efficacy of Two Intravenous Sedative Drugs in Management of Uncooperative Children for Dental Treatments. Journal of dentistry (Shiraz, Iran). pp. 29-34. ISSN 2345-6485 (Print) 2345-6418 (Linking)
(2015) Efficacy of bromocriptine on glycemic and metabolic control of prediabetic patients. Advanced biomedical research. p. 253. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Efficacy of communication skills training workshop on sexual function in infertile women. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 179-83. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Efficacy of high-dose vitamin D3 supplementation in vitamin D deficient pregnant women with multiple sclerosis: Preliminary findings of a randomized-controlled trial. Iranian journal of neurology. pp. 67-73. ISSN 2008-384X (Print) 2008-384X (Linking)
(2015) Efficacy of stepwise sodium profile versus individualized dialysate sodium in blood pressure control among hemodialysis patients. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 12-6. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Efficacy of topical azathioprine and betamethasone versus betamethasone-only emollient cream in 2-18 years old patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A randomized controlled trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 228. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Efficient process development of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rh-GCSF) production in Escherichia coli. Iranian biomedical journal. pp. 102-10. ISSN 2008-823X (Electronic) 1028-852X (Linking)
(2015) Endodontic periapical lesion-induced mental nerve paresthesia. Dental research journal. pp. 192-6. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Epidemiology characteristics and trends of incidence and morphology of stomach cancer in Iran. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. pp. 2757-61. ISSN 2476-762X (Electronic) 1513-7368 (Linking)
(2015) Estimation of Organ Activity using Four Different Methods of Background Correction in Conjugate View Method. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 253-8. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) Estimation of Prevalence and Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Iran; A model-based approach. Journal of Research in Health Sciences. pp. 168-74. ISSN 2228-7809 (Electronic) 2228-7795 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluating different types of malpractices in midwifery that were referred to the forensic medicine commission and the medical council between 2006 and 2011 in Isfahan province, 2013. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 426-30. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluating the safety and efficacy of silymarin in beta-thalassemia patients: a review. Hemoglobin. pp. 75-80. ISSN 1532-432X (Electronic) 0363-0269 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of Endoglin as an Angiogenesis Marker in Glioblastoma. Iranian journal of pathology. pp. 89-96. ISSN 1735-5303 (Print) 1735-5303 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of a school-based educational program to prevent adolescents' problem behaviors. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 30. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of antimullerian hormone levels before and after laparoscopic management of endometriosis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 182. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of craniofacial proportions: A pilot study. Dental research journal. pp. 260-4. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of differences between two groups of low back pain patients with and without rotational demand activities based on hip and lumbopelvic movement patterns. Ortopedia, traumatologia, rehabilitacja. pp. 51-7. ISSN 2084-4336 (Electronic) 1509-3492 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of estrogen receptor expression and its relationship with clinicopathologic findings in gastric cancer. Advanced biomedical research. p. 177. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of relationship between breast cancer and migraine. Advanced biomedical research. p. 14. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of standing stability in individuals with flatfeet. Foot & ankle specialist. pp. 168-74. ISSN 1938-7636 (Electronic) 1938-6400 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of stress factors among the elderly in the nursing homes for the elderly (Eram and Mother) in Kermanshah, in 2015. Journal of medicine and life. pp. 146-150. ISSN 1844-3117 (Electronic) 1844-122X (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of the Relationship between Social Desirability and Minor Psychiatric Disorders among Nurses in Southern Iran: A Robust Regression Approach. International journal of community based nursing and midwifery. pp. 301-8. ISSN 2322-2476 (Print) 2322-2476 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of the Safe Ischemic Time of Clamping During Intermittent Pringles Maneuver in Rabbits. Archives of Trauma Research. e30244. ISSN 2251-953X (Print) 2251-953X (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of the circulating CD34(+), CD309(+), and endothelial progenitor cells in patients with first attack of optic neuritis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 151. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of the clinical efficacy and safety of an eye counter pad containing caffeine and vitamin K in emulsified Emu oil base. Advanced biomedical research. p. 10. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of the effect of aromatherapy with Rosa damascena Mill. on postoperative pain intensity in hospitalized children in selected hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2013: A randomized clinical trial. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 247-54. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of the effect of different stretching patterns on force decay and tensile properties of elastomeric ligatures. Dental research journal. pp. 589-95. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of the outcomes of corneal collagen cross-linking in progressive keratoconic eyes. Advanced biomedical research. p. 208. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of the prevalence of herpes simplex-1 infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma specimens in Alzahra and Kashani Hospitals with polymerase chain reaction method in 2012-2013. Advanced biomedical research. p. 173. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of the proliferation and viability rates of nucleus pulposus cells of human intervertebral disk in fabricated chitosan-gelatin scaffolds by freeze drying and freeze gelation methods. Advanced biomedical research. p. 251. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation of various staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) types in Staphylococcus epidermidis invasive strains from hospitalised patients in Iran. Le infezioni in medicina : rivista periodica di eziologia, epidemiologia, diagnostica, clinica e terapia delle patologie infettive. pp. 18-22. ISSN 1124-9390 (Print) 1124-9390 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation on Geant4 Hadronic Models for Pion Minus, Pion Plus and Neutron Particles as Major Antiproton Annihilation Products. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 105-9. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) Evaluation the effect of 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate on gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant women at risk for preterm birth. Advanced biomedical research. p. 242. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Evolution of hepatitis B virus surface gene and protein among Iranian chronic carriers from different provinces. Iranian journal of microbiology. pp. 214-20. ISSN 2008-3289 (Print) 2008-3289 (Linking)
(2015) Exploration of the counseling needs of infertile couples: A qualitative study. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 552-9. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Exploring infertile women's experiences about sexual life: A qualitative study. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 34-9. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Expression of Bcl-2 and epithelial growth factor receptor proteins in keratocystic odontogenic tumor in comparison with dentigerous cyst and ameloblastoma. Dental research journal. pp. 342-7. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Expression of ZFX gene correlated with the central features of the neoplastic phenotype in human brain tumors with distinct phenotypes. Advanced biomedical research. p. 179. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Expression of prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) receptor in blood of migraine patients: A potential biomarker. Advanced biomedical research. p. 121. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Extracapillary proliferation in IgA nephropathy; recent findings and new ideas. Journal of nephropathology. pp. 1-5. ISSN 2251-8363 (Print) 2251-8363 (Linking)
(2015) Fabrication and characterization of biodegradable polymeric films as a corneal stroma substitute. Advanced biomedical research. p. 9. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Fecal calprotectin is a useful marker to diagnose ulcerative colitis from irritable bowel syndrome. Advanced biomedical research. p. 85. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) First report of birds infection by intestinal parasites in Khorramabad, west Iran. Journal of parasitic diseases : official organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology. pp. 720-4. ISSN 0971-7196 (Print) 0971-7196 (Linking)
(2015) Flatfoot in school-age children: prevalence and associated factors. Foot & ankle specialist. pp. 186-93. ISSN 1938-7636 (Electronic) 1938-6400 (Linking)
(2015) Fluoride exposure and its health risk assessment in drinking water and staple food in the population of Dayyer, Iran, in 2013. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 72. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and end-stage kidney disease in children. Journal of nephropharmacology. pp. 61-62. ISSN 2345-4202 (Print) 2345-4202 (Linking)
(2015) Focusing on psychiatric patients' strengths: A new vision on mental health care in Iran. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 340-6. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Frontotemporal dementia parkinsonism: Clinical findings in a large Iranian family. Advanced biomedical research. p. 37. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) General practitioners' encounters in rural and urban care centers in Isfahan with gynecological/obstetric and pediatric diseases. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 22. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Genetic characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-resistant isolates at the university teaching hospital in Iran. Advanced biomedical research. p. 156. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Genotype and phenotype correlations in Iranian patients with hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia. BMC research notes. p. 350. ISSN 1756-0500 (Electronic) 1756-0500 (Linking)
(2015) Geranisetron versus gabapentin in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting after middle ear surgery in adults: A double-blinded randomized clinical trial study. Advanced biomedical research. p. 22. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Going beyond-the-routines view in nursing: a qualitative study. Journal of caring sciences. pp. 25-34. ISSN 2251-9920 (Print) 2251-9920 (Linking)
(2015) Health and healthy human being in Islamic thought: Reflection on application for the nursing concept - A philosophical inquiry. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 73. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Health professionals' experiences and perceptions of challenges of interprofessional collaboration: Socio-cultural influences of IPC. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 99-104. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Health providers' compliance with pregnant women's Bill of Rights in labor and delivery in Iran. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 565-9. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Health related quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome patients, Kashan, Iran: A case control study. Advanced biomedical research. p. 75. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Heparinized and Saline Solutions in the Maintenance of Arterial and Central Venous Catheters After Cardiac Surgery. Anesthesiology and pain medicine. e28056. ISSN 2228-7523 (Print) 2228-7523 (Linking)
(2015) Herbal Remedies for Functional Dyspepsia and Traditional Iranian Medicine Perspective. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. e20741. ISSN 2074-1804 (Print) 2074-1804 (Linking)
(2015) Herpes zoster segmental paresis in an immunocompromised breast cancer woman. Advanced biomedical research. p. 170. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Hippocampal volume and hippocampal angle (a more practical marker) in mild cognitive impairment: A case-control magnetic resonance imaging study. Advanced biomedical research. p. 192. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) How health information is received by diabetic patients? Advanced biomedical research. p. 126. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Immunohistochemical (Ki-67) study of endometrial maturation in mice after use of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. Advanced biomedical research. p. 154. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Impacts of insulin infusion protocol on blood glucose level and outcomes in acute coronary syndrome patients with diabetes mellitus. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 304-8. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Improving the medical records department processes by lean management. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 48. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Increase in intraocular pressure is less with propofol and remifentanil than isoflurane with remifentanil during cataract surgery: A randomized controlled trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 55. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Interaction of cholesterol ester transfer protein polymorphisms, body mass index, and birth weight with the risk of dyslipidemia in children and adolescents: the CASPIAN-III study. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. pp. 1079-85. ISSN 2008-3866 (Print) 2008-3866 (Linking)
(2015) Interdisciplinary Researches in Iran III: (Multi-Dimensional) Medical Signal Analysis Softwares. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 75-6. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) Intrauterine device survival in Iranian women: systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of family medicine and primary care. pp. 203-7. ISSN 2249-4863 (Print) 2249-4863 (Linking)
(2015) Intravitreal Bevacizumab for Management of Choroidal Osteoma without Choroidal Neovascularization. Journal of ophthalmic & vision research. pp. 484-6. ISSN 2008-2010 (Print) 2008-322X (Linking)
(2015) Inverse association between the frequency of nut consumption and obesity among Iranian population: Isfahan Healthy Heart Program. European Journal of Nutrition. pp. 925-31. ISSN 1436-6215 (Electronic) 1436-6207 (Linking)
(2015) Investigating activity of masticatory muscles in patients with hypermobile temporomandibular joints by using EMG. Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry. e310-5. ISSN 1989-5488 (Print) 1989-5488 (Linking)
(2015) Investigating selected patient safety indicators using medical records data. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 54. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Investigating the Incidence of Prostate Cancer in Iran 2005 -2008 using Bayesian Spatial Ecological Regression Models. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. pp. 5917-21. ISSN 2476-762X (Electronic) 1513-7368 (Linking)
(2015) Investigating the root causes of duplicate publication in research articles. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 14. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Investigation of Astragalus honey and propolis extract's cytotoxic effect on two human cancer cell lines and their oncogen and proapoptotic gene expression profiles. Advanced biomedical research. p. 42. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Investigation of eating disorders in cancer patients and its relevance with body image. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 327-33. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Investigation of the causes of maternal mortality using root cause analysis in Isfahan, Iran in 2013-2014. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 315-21. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Iranian-Islamic traditional medicine: An ancient comprehensive personalized medicine. Advanced biomedical research. p. 191. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Is Admission Serum Sodium Concentration a Clinical Predictor for the Outcome of Therapy in Critically Ill Poisoned Patients? Medical archives (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina). pp. 240-3. ISSN 0350-199X (Print) 0350-199X (Linking)
(2015) Is the Association between Vitamin D and Metabolic Syndrome Independent of Other Micronutrients? International journal for vitamin and nutrition research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Vitamin- und Ernahrungsforschung. Journal international de vitaminologie et de nutrition. pp. 245-260. ISSN 0300-9831 (Print) 0300-9831 (Linking)
(2015) Is the ligation of hernial sac necessary in herniotomy for children? A randomized controlled trial of evaluating surgical complications and duration. Advanced biomedical research. p. 97. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Isolation of toxigenic Clostridium difficile from ready-to-eat salads by multiplex polymerase chain reaction in Isfahan, Iran. Advanced biomedical research. p. 87. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Job strain (demands and control model) as a predictor of cardiovascular risk factors among petrochemical personnel. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 16. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Knowledge, risk perception, and behavioral intention about hepatitis C, among university students. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 93. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Learning theories application in nursing education. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 2. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Level of knowledge of dental practitioners in Isfahan, Iran about cone-beam computed tomography and digital radiography. Imaging science in dentistry. pp. 133-5. ISSN 2233-7822 (Print) 2233-7822 (Linking)
(2015) Life experiences in heart transplant recipients. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 18. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Life-threatening misdiagnosis of bulbar onset myasthenia gravis as a motor neuron disease: How much can one rely on exaggerated deep tendon reflexes. Advanced biomedical research. p. 58. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Low Dose Perioperative Intravenous Tranexamic Acid in Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of blood transfusion. p. 948304. ISSN 2090-9187 (Print) 2090-9195 (Linking)
(2015) Low levels of tissue factor pathway inhibitor increase the risk of cerebral venous thrombosis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 6. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Lower lip numbness due to the mandibular canal narrowing after dental reimplantation: A case report. Dental research journal. pp. 386-8. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Management of Facial Synkinesis with a Combination of BTX-A and Biofeedback: A Randomized Trial. Iranian journal of otorhinolaryngology. pp. 409-15. ISSN 2251-7251 (Print) 2251-7251 (Linking)
(2015) Maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rate in caesarean section and vaginal delivery. Advanced biomedical research. p. 193. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Maternal self-efficacy and feeding practices in children aged 3-6 years. Iranian journal of psychiatry. pp. 278-84. ISSN 1735-4587 (Print) 1735-4587 (Linking)
(2015) Mechanical or cold lateral compaction: The incidence of dentinal defects. Dental research journal. pp. 513-9. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Mechanical properties and drug release behavior of PCL/zein coated 45S5 bioactive glass scaffolds for bone tissue engineering application. Data in brief. pp. 524-8. ISSN 2352-3409 (Print) 2352-3409 (Linking)
(2015) Median and ulnar nerve injuries; what causes different repair outcomes? Advanced biomedical research. p. 215. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Medical Students' and Physicians' Attitudes toward Patients' Consent to Participate in Clinical Training. Journal of advances in medical education & professionalism. pp. 21-5. ISSN 2322-2220 (Print) 2322-2220 (Linking)
(2015) Memory Impairment following Acute Tricyclic Antidepressants Overdose. Depression research and treatment. p. 835786. ISSN 2090-1321 (Print) 2090-1321 (Linking)
(2015) Metabolic syndrome and its association with left ventricular dysfunction in patients with left bundle branch block. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis. pp. 157-61. ISSN 0392-4203 (Print) 0392-4203 (Linking)
(2015) Methylation pattern of ALX4 gene promoter as a potential biomarker for blood-based early detection of colorectal cancer. Advanced biomedical research. p. 252. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Microhardness Properties of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Calcium-enriched Mixture Cement Plugs at Different Setting Conditions. Journal of international oral health : JIOH. pp. 36-9. ISSN 0976-7428 (Print) 0976-1799 (Linking)
(2015) Mid-term Follow-up of the Transcatheter Closure of Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defects in Children Using the Amplatzer. The journal of Tehran Heart Center. pp. 182-7. ISSN 1735-5370 (Print) 1735-5370 (Linking)
(2015) A Mini-review on the Effect of Mini-implants on Contemporary Orthodontic Science. Journal of international oral health : JIOH. pp. 83-7. ISSN 0976-7428 (Print) 0976-1799 (Linking)
(2015) Mismanagement of a hypochondriacal patient. Advanced biomedical research. p. 24. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Molecular detection of metallo-beta-lactamase gene blaVIM-1 in imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from hospitalized patients in the hospitals of Isfahan. Advanced biomedical research. p. 57. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Molecular identification of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from intensive care units and their antimicrobial resistance patterns. Advanced biomedical research. p. 110. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Molecular identification of Candida species isolated from gastro-oesophageal candidiasis in Tehran, Iran. Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench. pp. 288-93. ISSN 2008-2258 (Print) 2008-2258 (Linking)
(2015) Molecular identification of uncommon clinical yeast species in Iran. Current medical mycology. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2423-3439 (Print) 2423-3420 (Linking)
(2015) Molecular typing of Brucella species isolates from Human and livestock bloods in Isfahan province. Advanced biomedical research. p. 104. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Molecular typing of Iranian mycobacteria isolates by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 360-bp rpoB gene. Advanced biomedical research. p. 152. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Morphine mouthwash for the management of oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer. Advanced biomedical research. p. 44. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Multifocal Electroretinogram in Diabetic Macular Edema; Correlation with Visual Acuity and Optical Coherence Tomography. Journal of ophthalmic & vision research. pp. 165-71. ISSN 2008-2010 (Print) 2008-322X (Linking)
(2015) Mustard gas exposure in Iran-Iraq war - A scientometric study. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 56. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Nanobiological studies on drug design using molecular mechanic method. Advanced biomedical research. p. 219. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Nejat Briefcase: A tool for drug education. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 60. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Neuroprotective effects of Rosa damascena extract on learning and memory in a rat model of amyloid-beta-induced Alzheimer's disease. Advanced biomedical research. p. 131. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Neurotrophic factors and their effects in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 53. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) New concepts in diabetic kidney disease. Journal of nephropharmacology. pp. 47-48. ISSN 2345-4202 (Print) 2345-4202 (Linking)
(2015) The Newly Identified T Helper 22 Cells Lodge in Leukemia. International journal of hematology-oncology and stem cell research. pp. 143-54. ISSN 2008-3009 (Print) 2008-2207 (Linking)
(2015) Nocardial brain abscess in a patient with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 185. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema after Amlodipine Overdose without Refractory Hypotension and Bradycardia. Case reports in emergency medicine. p. 546012. ISSN 2090-648X (Print) 2090-6498 (Linking)
(2015) Nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a maxillary lateral incisor with dens invaginatus type II: A case report. Dental research journal. pp. 187-91. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Nucleus and cytoplasm segmentation in microscopic images using K-means clustering and region growing. Advanced biomedical research. p. 174. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Optimization of the Expression of Reteplase in Escherichia coli TOP10 Using Arabinose Promoter. Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products. e16676. ISSN 1735-7780 (Print) 1735-7780 (Linking)
(2015) Organizational Climate and Work Addiction in Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, 2014: a Case Study. Electronic physician. pp. 1602-8. ISSN 2008-5842 (Print) 2008-5842 (Linking)
(2015) Outcome of rapamycin therapy for post-transplant-lymphoproliferative disorder after kidney transplantation: case series. International journal of hematology-oncology and stem cell research. pp. 26-32. ISSN 2008-3009 (Print) 2008-2207 (Linking)
(2015) Outcomes of vital pulp therapy in permanent teeth with different medicaments based on review of the literature. Dental research journal. pp. 406-17. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Partial purification and biochemical characterization of peroxidase from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) leaves. Advanced biomedical research. p. 159. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Pathology of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences based on Weisbord six box model and its relation with mental health. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 80. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Pediatric nurses' perception of factors associated with caring self-efficacy: A qualitative content analysis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 232-8. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Pentacam topographic changes after collagen cross-linking in patients with keratoconus. Advanced biomedical research. p. 62. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Perceived threat predictor of calcium-rich foods in the women of premenopausal age Isfahan - Iran in 2013-2014. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 676-80. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Persistence of endothelial cell damage late after Kawasaki disease in patients without coronary artery complications. Advanced biomedical research. p. 25. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Perspective of midwives working at hospitals affiliated to the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences regarding medical errors. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 540-4. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Phenotypical characterization of the peripheral blood T cells in patients with celiac disease: does it differentiate suspicious celiac disease cases? Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench. pp. 132-9. ISSN 2008-2258 (Print) 2008-2258 (Linking)
(2015) Physical activity among employee women based on transtheoretical model. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 81. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Pitfalls in molecular diagnosis of 21-hydroxylase deficiency in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Advanced biomedical research. p. 189. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Positive changes after breast cancer: A qualitative study. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 55. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Potential health concerns of trace elements and mineral content in commonly consumed greenhouse vegetables in Isfahan, Iran. Advanced biomedical research. p. 214. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Potential risk factors associated with stress urinary incontinence among Iranian women. Advanced biomedical research. p. 205. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Practical approach to electrodiagnosis of the carpal tunnel syndrome: A review. Advanced biomedical research. p. 50. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Precalcitonin and C-reactive protein as markers in response to antibiotic treatment in ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care unit-hospitalized patients. Advanced biomedical research. p. 240. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Preconception care in diabetic women. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 8. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Predicting the educational performance of Isfahan University students of medical sciences based on their behaviour profile, mental health and demographic characteristic. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 44. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Prediction of glucose intolerance at 24-28 weeks of gestation by glucose and insulin level measurements in the first trimester. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 81-6. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Predictors of nurses' intention and behavior in using health literacy strategies in patient education based on the theory of planned behavior. Materia socio-medica. pp. 22-6. ISSN 1512-7680 (Print) 1512-7680 (Linking)
(2015) Preemptive peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine in combination with tramadol improves pediatric post-tonsillectomy pain better than using bupivacaine or tramadol alone: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind clinical trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 132. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Preliminary analysis of month of birth in Iranian/Isfahan patients with multiple sclerosis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 166. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Preliminary study on patients located at the Kashani/Isfahan Hospital with multiple sclerosis between the years 2011 and 2013. Advanced biomedical research. p. 165. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Preparing a persian version of kimberley indigenous cognitive assessment for assessing the cognitive problems of illiterate geriatric patients. Advanced biomedical research. p. 7. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Prevalence of different hip sonographic types: A cross-sectional study. Advanced biomedical research. p. 23. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Prevalence of liver fluke infections in slaughtered animals in Lorestan, Iran. Journal of parasitic diseases : official organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology. pp. 725-9. ISSN 0971-7196 (Print) 0971-7196 (Linking)
(2015) Prevention of contrast induced nephropathy; a cardiology point of view. Journal of nephropharmacology. pp. 23-25. ISSN 2345-4202 (Print) 2345-4202 (Linking)
(2015) Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting with a subhypnotic dose of Propofol in patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery: A prospective, randomized, double-blind study. Advanced biomedical research. p. 35. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Process Documentation: A Model for Knowledge Management in Organizations. Materia socio-medica. pp. 347-50. ISSN 1512-7680 (Print) 1512-7680 (Linking)
(2015) Production and Characterization of New Anti-HER2 Monoclonal Antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies in immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy. pp. 213-21. ISSN 2167-9436 (Electronic) 2167-9436 (Linking)
(2015) Prophylactic use of intravenous ondansetron versus ketamine - midazolam combination for prevention of shivering during spinal anesthesia: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 207. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Proposed equation between flexor carpi radialis H-reflex latency and upper limb length. Iranian journal of neurology. pp. 41-6. ISSN 2008-384X (Print) 2008-384X (Linking)
(2015) Protective Role of Aerobic Exercise Against Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats. Asian journal of sports medicine. e24901. ISSN 2008-000X (Print) 2008-000X (Linking)
(2015) Protective effect of pomegranate flower extract against gentamicin-induced renal toxicity in male rats. Journal of renal injury prevention. pp. 45-50. ISSN 2345-2781 (Print) 2345-2781 (Linking)
(2015) Protective effects of Echium amoenum Fisch. and C.A. Mey. against cerebral ischemia in the rats. Advanced biomedical research. p. 107. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Psychometric Properties of the Persian Language Version of Yang Internet Addiction Questionnaire: An Explanatory Factor Analysis. International journal of high risk behaviors & addiction. e21560. ISSN 2251-8711 (Print) 2251-8711 (Linking)
(2015) Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale) DERS-6 & DERS-5- Revised (in an Iranian Clinical Sample. Iranian journal of psychiatry. pp. 115-22. ISSN 1735-4587 (Print) 1735-4587 (Linking)
(2015) Psychosocial Predictors for Cancer Prevention Behaviors in Workplace Using Protection Motivation Theory. Advances in preventive medicine. p. 467498. ISSN 2090-3480 (Print)
(2015) Pulmonary Vascular Capacitance as a Predictor of Vasoreactivity in Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Tested by Adenosine. Research in cardiovascular medicine. e28945. ISSN 2251-9572 (Print) 2251-9572 (Linking)
(2015) Pulsed dye laser and topical timolol gel versus pulse dye laser in treatment of infantile hemangioma: A double-blind randomized controlled trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 257. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Purified protein derivative test and its booster phenomenon in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 80. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Quality of life and related factors among the women undergoing mastectomy. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 287-91. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Quality of work life and its association with workplace violence of the nurses in emergency departments. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 56-62. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Radiographic assessment of third molars development and it's relation to dental and chronological age in an Iranian population. Dental research journal. pp. 64-70. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) A Rare Case of Aneurysmal Bone Cyst in the Paranasal Sinus. Iranian journal of otorhinolaryngology. pp. 395-9. ISSN 2251-7251 (Print) 2251-7251 (Linking)
(2015) Recognition of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells in microscopic images using k-means clustering and support vector machine classifier. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 49-58. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) Recording the Tilt of a Cast on a Surveyor. The open dentistry journal. pp. 174-5. ISSN 1874-2106 (Print) 1874-2106 (Linking)
(2015) Reference range of the weekly uterine cervical length at 8 to 38 weeks of gestation in the center of Iran. Advanced biomedical research. p. 115. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Regulation of Blood Glucose Concentration in Type 1 Diabetics Using Single Order Sliding Mode Control Combined with Fuzzy On-line Tunable Gain, a Simulation Study. Journal of medical signals and sensors. pp. 131-40. ISSN 2228-7477 (Print) 2228-7477 (Linking)
(2015) Relationship between Season and Acute Myocardial Infarction, In Iran. The journal of Tehran Heart Center. pp. 221-2. ISSN 1735-5370 (Print) 1735-5370 (Linking)
(2015) Relationship between general health of older health service users and their self-esteem in Isfahan in 2014. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 717-22. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Relationship between infants' feeding pattern and mothers' physical and psychological health among the mothers covered by the health centers of Isfahan in 2013. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 216-20. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Relationship between mental workload and musculoskeletal disorders among Alzahra Hospital nurses. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Relationship between physical activity and quality of life in pregnant women. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 282-6. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Relationship between the components of on-site training and emotional intelligence in the librarians of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Isfahan University with moderating role of personality characteristics. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 89. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Relationship of sexual dysfunction and its associated factors in women with genital and breast cancers. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 516-20. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Relationship of the intake of different food groups by pregnant mothers with the birth weight and gestational age: Need for public and individual educational programs. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 23. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Release Studies on Ciprofloxacin Loaded Non-ionic Surfactant Vesicles. Avicenna journal of medical biotechnology. pp. 69-75. ISSN 2008-2835 (Print) 2008-2835 (Linking)
(2015) Removal efficiency of calcium hydroxide intracanal medicament with RinsEndo system in comparison with passive ultrasonic irrigation, an in vitro study. Dental research journal. pp. 157-60. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Renal ischemia/reperfusion injury; from pathophysiology to treatment. Journal of renal injury prevention. pp. 20-7. ISSN 2345-2781 (Print) 2345-2781 (Linking)
(2015) Research Priorities in the Field of Patient Safety in Iran: Results of a Delphi Study. Journal of patient safety. ISSN 1549-8425 (Electronic) 1549-8417 (Linking)
(2015) Research self-efficacy among students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 26. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Review evaluation indicators of health information technology course of master's degree in medical sciences universities' based on CIPP Model. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 28. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The Role of Inflammatory Mediators in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease. Sultan Qaboos University medical journal. e305-16. ISSN 2075-051X (Print) 2075-051X (Linking)
(2015) Role of Serum Interleukin 6, Albumin and C-Reactive Protein in COPD Patients. Tanaffos. pp. 134-40. ISSN 1735-0344 (Print) 1735-0344 (Linking)
(2015) Role of endothelin receptor antagonist; bosentan in cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in ovariectomized estradiol treated rats. Journal of nephropathology. pp. 134-40. ISSN 2251-8363 (Print) 2251-8363 (Linking)
(2015) Role of endothelin-1 antagonist; bosentan, against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in male and female rats. Advanced biomedical research. p. 83. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Role of nitric oxide in kidney and liver (as distance organ) function in bilateral renal ischemia-reperfusion: Effect of L-Arginine and NG-nitro-L-Arginine methyl ester. Advanced biomedical research. p. 233. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Root Surface Roughness After Scaling and Root Planing with Er:YAG Laser Compared to Hand and Ultrasonic Instruments by Profilometry. Journal of dentistry (Tehran, Iran). pp. 899-905. ISSN 1735-2150 (Print) 1735-2150 (Linking)
(2015) Routine programs of health care systems as an opportunity toward communication skills training for family physicians: A randomized field trial. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 71. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) SIX1 overexpression in diffuse-type and grade III gastric tumors: Features that are associated with poor prognosis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 139. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation of Residual Smear Layer Following Preparation of Curved Root Canals Using Hand Instrumentation or Two Engine-Driven Systems. Iranian endodontic journal. pp. 236-9. ISSN 1735-7497 (Print) 1735-7497 (Linking)
(2015) The Schwartz-Jampel syndrome: Case report and review of literature. Advanced biomedical research. p. 163. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Self-reported risk behaviors among offender motorcyclists in Ahvaz City. Electronic physician. pp. 1464-9. ISSN 2008-5842 (Print) 2008-5842 (Linking)
(2015) Seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus infection and hepatitis B surface antibody status among laboratory health care workers in Isfahan, Iran. Asian journal of transfusion science. pp. 138-40. ISSN 0973-6247 (Print) 0973-6247 (Linking)
(2015) Seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in mentally retarded patients in Iranian rehabilitation centers. Journal of parasitic diseases : official organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology. pp. 13-7. ISSN 0971-7196 (Print) 0971-7196 (Linking)
(2015) Serum inflammatory markers in obese mice: Effect of ghrelin. Advanced biomedical research. p. 145. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Sexual dysfunctions in the patients hospitalized in psychiatric wards compared to other specialized wards in Isfahan, Iran, in 2012. Advanced biomedical research. p. 225. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Significance of a common variant in the CDKAL1 gene with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus in Iranian population. Advanced biomedical research. p. 45. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Silver nitrate versus tetracycline in pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusions; a prospective randomized trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 178. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Silybum marianum: Beyond Hepatoprotection. Journal of evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine. pp. 292-301. ISSN 2156-5899 (Electronic) 2156-5899 (Linking)
(2015) Sleep apnea syndrome and restless legs syndrome in kidney transplant recipients. Advanced biomedical research. p. 206. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Social support: An approach to maintaining the health of women who have experienced stillbirth. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 465-70. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Solitary dural plasmacytoma with parenchymal invasion. Asian journal of neurosurgery. pp. 102-4. ISSN 1793-5482 (Print)
(2015) Specific TaqMan allelic discrimination assay for rs1477196 and rs9939609 single nucleotide polymorphisms of FTO gene demonstrated that there is no association between these SNPs and risk of breast cancer in Iranian women. Advanced biomedical research. p. 136. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Steroid-binding receptors in fungi: implication for systemic mycoses. Current medical mycology. pp. 46-52. ISSN 2423-3439 (Print) 2423-3420 (Linking)
(2015) Study of P21 Expression in Oral Lichen Planus and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Immunohistochemical Technique. Journal of dentistry (Shiraz, Iran). pp. 156-61. ISSN 2345-6485 (Print) 2345-6418 (Linking)
(2015) Study of relationship between the organizational structure and market orientation from the viewpoint of nurse managers. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 15. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Study of the relationship between quality of life and socioeconomic status in Isfahan at 2011. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 92. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Supporting hemodialysis patients: A phenomenological study. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 626-33. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) Supratentorial cortical ependymoma: An unusual presentation of a rare tumor. Advanced biomedical research. p. 72. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Surgical Outcomes of Cerebellopontine angle Tumors in 50 Cases. Iranian journal of otorhinolaryngology. pp. 29-34. ISSN 2251-7251 (Print) 2251-7251 (Linking)
(2015) Synbiotic containing Bacillus coagulans and fructo-oligosaccharides for functional abdominal pain in children. Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench. pp. 56-65. ISSN 2008-2258 (Print) 2008-2258 (Linking)
(2015) Synergic phototoxic effect of visible light or Gallium-Arsenide laser in the presence of different photo-sensitizers on Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum. Dental research journal. pp. 323-30. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Systemic effects of fluoxetine on the amount of tooth movement, root resorption, and alveolar bone remodeling during orthodontic force application in rat. Dental research journal. pp. 482-7. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Technical quality of root canal therapies performed by novice dental students in preclinical practice. Dental research journal. pp. 365-71. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Temporomandibular Joint Hypermobility Manifestation Based on Clinical Observations. Journal of international oral health : JIOH. pp. 1-4. ISSN 0976-7428 (Print) 0976-1799 (Linking)
(2015) Therapeutic effect of acupuncture in BALB/c model of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 77. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Thermoanalytical characterization of clindamycin-loaded intravitreal implants prepared by hot melt extrusion. Advanced biomedical research. p. 147. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) To irrigate or not to irrigate: Immediate postextraction socket irrigation and alveolar osteitis. Dental research journal. pp. 289-90. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Topical pyruvic acid (70) versus topical salicylic acid (16.7) compound in treatment of plantar warts: A randomized controlled trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 113. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Transocular Doppler and optic nerve sheath diameter monitoring to detect intracranial hypertension. Advanced biomedical research. p. 231. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibits effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands on cell death in human lymphocytes. Advanced biomedical research. p. 216. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Two novel homozygous RAB3GAP1 mutations cause Warburg micro syndrome. Human genome variation. p. 15034. ISSN 2054-345X (Print) 2054-345X (Linking)
(2015) Two unusual sites of cystic lymphangioma in a child: A report of imaging profile with surgical and histopathologic findings. Advanced biomedical research. p. 169. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Types of trust experienced in a risky medical operation (A case among cosmetic surgeries in Isfahan). Journal of education and health promotion. p. 25. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Ultrasound-guided percutaneous central venous catheterization in infants: Learning curve and related complications. Advanced biomedical research. p. 199. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The Usage of Association Rule Mining to Identify Influencing Factors on Deafness After Birth. Acta informatica medica : AIM : journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia & Herzegovina : casopis Drustva za medicinsku informatiku BiH. pp. 356-9. ISSN 0353-8109 (Print) 0353-8109 (Linking)
(2015) Use of pure nicotine for the treatment of aphthous ulcers. Dental research journal. pp. 197-8. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) Use of restriction fragment length polymorphism to identify Candida species, related to onychomycosis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 95. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) Value of Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring in Iranian Patients Suspected to Coronary Artery Disease. Acta medica Iranica. pp. 356-62. ISSN 1735-9694 (Electronic) 0044-6025 (Linking)
(2015) Venous insufficiency after prolonged standing: Is joint hypermobility an important risk factor? Advanced biomedical research. p. 98. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The Webometric Status of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Acta informatica medica : AIM : journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia & Herzegovina : casopis Drustva za medicinsku informatiku BiH. pp. 215-9. ISSN 0353-8109 (Print) 0353-8109 (Linking)
(2015) Women's needs and expectations during normal labor and delivery. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 6. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) Yoga intervention on blood NO in female migraineurs. Advanced biomedical research. p. 259. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The association between air pollution and weather conditions with increase in the number of admissions of asthmatic patients in emergency wards: a case study in Kermanshah. Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. p. 229. ISSN 1016-1430 (Print) 1016-1430 (Linking)
(2015) The association between saliva control, silent saliva penetration, aspiration, and videofluoroscopic findings in Parkinson's disease patients. Advanced biomedical research. p. 108. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The challenges of healthcare delivery to people with multiple sclerosis in Iran. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 83. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) A comparative study of one minute versus five seconds endoscopic biliary balloon dilation after small sphincterotomy in choleducolithiasis. Advanced biomedical research. p. 28. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) A comparison of cell-free placental messenger ribonucleic acid and color Doppler ultrasound for the prediction of placental invasion in patients with placenta accreta. Advanced biomedical research. p. 31. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The comparison of perceived stress in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura patients referred to Seyed Al-Shohada Hospital with healthy people in Isfahan, Iran, 2013. International journal of hematology-oncology and stem cell research. pp. 67-71. ISSN 2008-3009 (Print) 2008-2207 (Linking)
(2015) The early outcome of single-incision versus multi-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Advanced biomedical research. p. 161. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of Kisspeptin-10 on mesenchymal stem cells migration in vitro and in vivo. Advanced biomedical research. p. 20. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of Rosmarinus herbal tea on occupational burnout in Iran Chemical Industry Investment company employees. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 460-4. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of add-on memantine on global function and quality of life in schizophrenia: A randomized, double-blind, controlled, clinical trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 211. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of an specific inducible NO synthase inhibitor, S-methylisothiourea hemisulfate on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; gender-related differences. Advanced biomedical research. p. 130. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of an upper respiratory care program on incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in mechanically ventilated patients hospitalized in intensive care units. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 354-8. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of cardiac rehabilitation on quality of life in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 588-93. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of continuing care on patient's quality-of-life after disc surgery in neurosurgery and very important person wards. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 106. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of cyclic nucleotide analog drugs on the mediators release from basophils. Advanced biomedical research. p. 125. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of depression and anxiety on expression levels of toll like receptor signaling molecules in chronic HBV infected patients. Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. p. 180. ISSN 1016-1430 (Print) 1016-1430 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of educational intervention on health promoting lifestyle: Focusing on middle-aged women. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 51. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of estrogen on the expression of cartilage-specific genes in the chondrogenesis process of adipose-derived stem cells. Advanced biomedical research. p. 43. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of face-to-face or group education during pregnancy on sexual function of couples in Isfahan. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 582-7. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of four-phase teaching method on midwifery students' emotional intelligence in managing the childbirth. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 47. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of group psycho-education program on the burden of family caregivers with multiple sclerosis patients in Isfahan in 2013-2014. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 420-5. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of hydroalcoholic extract from the leaves of Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori. on blood pressure and oxidative status in dexamethasone-induced hypertensive rats. Advanced biomedical research. p. 101. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of implant angulation and splinting on stress distribution in implant body and supporting bone: A finite element analysis. European journal of dentistry. pp. 311-8. ISSN 1305-7456 (Print)
(2015) The effect of implementation of family-centered empowerment model on the self-esteem of the old people with hypertension. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 74. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of intervention based on Health Action Model to promote workers' safe behavior in Isfahan Steel Company. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 64. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of massage therapy on occupational stress of Intensive Care Unit nurses. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 508-15. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of medial prefrontal cortex electrical stimulation on passive avoidance memory in healthy and addict rats. Advanced biomedical research. p. 254. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of melody on the physiological responses of heel sticks pain in neonates. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 405-8. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of multiple processing and re-use on orthodontic mini-screw torque values. Dental research journal. pp. 243-7. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of physical and psychosocial occupational factors on the chronicity of low back pain in the workers of Iranian metal industry: a cohort study. Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. p. 242. ISSN 1016-1430 (Print) 1016-1430 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of pioglitazone on circulating interleukin-10 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels in a patient with metabolic syndrome: A randomized, double-blind controlled trial. Arya Atherosclerosis. pp. 36-42. ISSN 1735-3955 (Print) 1735-3955 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of preemptive pudendal nerve block on pain after anterior and posterior vaginal repair. Advanced biomedical research. p. 153. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of resistance exercise on mean blood pressure in the patients referring to cardiovascular research centre. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 431-5. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of rosemary extract on spatial memory, learning and antioxidant enzymes activities in the hippocampus of middle-aged rats. Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. p. 187. ISSN 1016-1430 (Print) 1016-1430 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of saline lock on phlebitis rates of patients in cardiac care units. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 496-501. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of sensory stimulation provided by family on arterial blood oxygen saturation in critical care patients. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 63-8. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of spraying different disinfectants on condensational silicone impressions; an in vitro study. Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society. pp. 263-7. ISSN 0972-4052 (Print) 0972-4052 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of stretching exercise and walking on changes of blood pressure in nulliparous women. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 205-10. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of supplementary calcium on blood pressure in healthy adult women aged 18-30 years in Tehran, Iran. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 67. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of three ergonomics interventions on body posture and musculoskeletal disorders among stuff of Isfahan Province Gas Company. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 65. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The effect of time and storage environment on dimensional changes of acrylic resin post patterns. The open dentistry journal. pp. 87-90. ISSN 1874-2106 (Print) 1874-2106 (Linking)
(2015) The effects of L-arginine on spatial memory and synaptic plasticity impairments induced by lipopolysaccharide. Advanced biomedical research. p. 202. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effects of aging process and preactivation on mechanical properties of nickel-titanium closed coil springs. Dental research journal. pp. 231-4. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) The effects of different doses of intrathecal meperidine on the incidence and severity of shivering during lower extremity orthopedic surgery under spinal anesthesia: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind-clinical trial. Advanced biomedical research. p. 3. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effects of doxepin on stress-induced learning, memory impairments, and TNF-alpha level in the rat hippocampus. Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. pp. 460-5. ISSN 1735-5362 (Print) 1735-5362 (Linking)
(2015) The effects of educational program on health volunteers' knowledge regarding their approach to earthquake in health centers in Tehran. Journal of advances in medical education & professionalism. pp. 56-61. ISSN 2322-2220 (Print) 2322-2220 (Linking)
(2015) The effects of injections of warmed bicarbonate-buffered Lidocaine as a painkiller for patients with trauma. Journal of injury & violence research. pp. 87-8. ISSN 2008-4072 (Electronic) 2008-2053 (Linking)
(2015) The effects of kisspeptin-10 on migration and proliferation of endothelial cell. Advanced biomedical research. p. 41. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The effects of unripe grape extract on systemic blood pressure and serum levels of superoxide dismutase, malondialdehyde and nitric oxide in rat. Advanced biomedical research. p. 109. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The efficacy of the reverse contrast mode in digital radiography for the detection of proximal dentinal caries. Imaging science in dentistry. pp. 141-5. ISSN 2233-7822 (Print) 2233-7822 (Linking)
(2015) An empowering approach to promote the quality of life and self-management among type 2 diabetic patients. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 13. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The evaluation and comparison of kidney length obtained from axial cuts in spiral CT scan with its true length. Advanced biomedical research. p. 19. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The facilitators and impediment factors of structural empowerment in pregnancy and delivery care: achievement of power. Journal of medicine and life. pp. 72-81. ISSN 1844-3117 (Electronic) 1844-122X (Linking)
(2015) A histomorphometric study of the effect of doxycycline and erythromycin on bone formation in dental alveolar socket of rat. Advanced biomedical research. p. 71. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The impact of education intervention on the Health Belief Model constructs regarding anxiety of nulliparous pregnant women. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 27. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The impact of group training about parenting styles on maternal attitudes toward parenting styles. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 85. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The impact of teaching experience on interview performance of different candidates of basic medical sciences in PhD admission. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 21. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) An in vitro assessment of the mechanical characteristics of nickel-titanium orthodontic wires in Fluoride solutions with different acidities. Journal of orthodontic science. pp. 52-6. ISSN 2278-1897 (Print) 2278-0203 (Linking)
(2015) The influence of impact delivery mode, lactation time, infant gender, maternal age and rural or urban life on total number of Lactobacillus in breast milk Isfahan - Iran. Advanced biomedical research. p. 141. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The investigation of correlation between Iminoral concentration and neurotoxic levels after kidney transplantation. Advanced biomedical research. p. 59. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) An investigation of the effects of therapeutic touch plan on acute chemotherapy-induced nausea in women with breast cancer in Isfahan, Iran, 2012-2013. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 61. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) An investigation of the rate of cyclooxygenase-2 expression on the surface of adenomatous and colorectal adenocarcinoma polyps. Advanced biomedical research. p. 200. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The level of depression and its related factors among the mothers with mentally retarded girl children in exceptional primary schools. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 69-74. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The metabolic syndrome and associated lifestyle factors among the Iranian population. Advanced biomedical research. p. 84. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) A novel combined method for cost-benefit production of DNA ladders. Advanced biomedical research. p. 15. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) An overview of systematic reviews of normal labor and delivery management. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 293-303. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The practice of intensive care nurses using the closed suctioning system: An observational study. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 619-25. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The predicting ability of serum potassium to assess the duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients. Advanced biomedical research. p. 133. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The prevalence of Martin-Gruber anastomosis in Iranian subjects by electrodiagnostic criteria. Iranian journal of neurology. pp. 231-2. ISSN 2008-384X (Print) 2008-384X (Linking)
(2015) The prevalence of dental anxiety and fear in patients referred to Isfahan Dental School, Iran. Dental research journal. pp. 248-53. ISSN 1735-3327 (Print) 1735-3327 (Linking)
(2015) The prevalence of isolated hepatitis B core antibody and its related risk factors among male injected drug users in Isfahan prisons. Advanced biomedical research. p. 17. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The profile of hypertension and dyslipidemia in prediabetic subjects; results of the Isfahan Diabetes Prevention program: A large population-based study. Advanced biomedical research. p. 27. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) A qualitative inquiry into the challenges and complexities of research supervision: viewpoints of postgraduate students and faculty members. Journal of advances in medical education & professionalism. pp. 91-8. ISSN 2322-2220 (Print) 2322-2220 (Linking)
(2015) The relationship between blood pressure and the structures of Pender's health promotion model in rural hypertensive patients. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 29. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The relationship between different fatty acids intake and frequency of migraine attacks. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 334-9. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The relationship between eating disorder symptoms and obsessive compulsive disorder in primigravida women. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 642-6. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The relationship between family functioning and self-esteem in female high school students of Isfahan, Iran, in 2013-2014. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 371-7. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The relationship between food frequency and menstrual distress in high school females. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 689-93. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The relationship between intestinal parasites and some immune-mediated intestinal conditions. Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench. pp. 123-31. ISSN 2008-2258 (Print) 2008-2258 (Linking)
(2015) The relationship between metabolic syndrome criteria and preeclampsia in primigravid women. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 263-8. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The relationship between quality of life and coping strategies in polycystic ovary syndrome patients. Advanced biomedical research. p. 168. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) The relationship between social capital and the way of spending leisure time, based on physical activities. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 79. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The relationship between weight gain during pregnancy and urinary tract infections in pregnant women of Shahrekord, by using the "Nested case-control study", in 2013. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 84. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The results of pregnancies after gender selection by pre implantation genetic diagnosis and its relation with couple's age. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research. pp. 670-5. ISSN 1735-9066 (Print) 1735-9066 (Linking)
(2015) The role of human resources management on enhancing the teaching skills of faculty members. Materia socio-medica. pp. 35-8. ISSN 1512-7680 (Print) 1512-7680 (Linking)
(2015) A study conducted on the demographic factors of victims of violence in support and administrative departments of hospital in 2013. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 35. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The study of inpatient medical records on hospital deductions: An interventional study. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 38. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The study of physical activity and some relative factors in referred pregnant women to Isfahan Health-Care Centers and Shahid Beheshti Hospital. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 100. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) A study of psychological well-being in people with multiple sclerosis and their primary caregivers. Advanced biomedical research. p. 49. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)
(2015) A study of the academic performance of medical students in the comprehensive examination of the basic sciences according to the indices of emotional intelligence and educational status. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 66. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) A study on the effects of general fatigue on head and neck proprioception in healthy young adults. Ortopedia, traumatologia, rehabilitacja. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2084-4336 (Electronic) 1509-3492 (Linking)
(2015) A survey of the relationship between work schedule and its effect on the fatigue of rescue personnel in Isfahan with a standard method of CIS202. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 98. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) A survey on cancer-related nutritional information in Iranian popular magazines. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 102. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) A survey on the effect of implementation of a family-centered empowerment model on blood pressure and empowerment dimensions in the elderly people with hypertension. Journal of education and health promotion. p. 94. ISSN 2277-9531 (Print) 2277-9531 (Linking)
(2015) The value of transcranial Doppler derived pulsatility index for diagnosing cerebral small-vessel disease. Advanced biomedical research. p. 54. ISSN 2277-9175 (Print) 2277-9175 (Linking)