Optimization of Buffer Additives for Efficient Recovery of hGM-CSF from Inclusion Bodies Using Response Surface Methodology

(2020) Optimization of Buffer Additives for Efficient Recovery of hGM-CSF from Inclusion Bodies Using Response Surface Methodology. Iran J Pharm Res. pp. 297-309. ISSN 1735-0328 (Print) 1726-6882


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Overexpression of human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) by Escherichia coli leads to formation of insoluble and inactive proteins, inclusion bodies. The aim of this study was to improve recovery of biologically active hGM-CSF from inclusion bodies. The effect of types, concentrations and pHs of denaturing agents and addition of reducing agents on the yield of inclusion bodies solubilization was evaluated. Next, various conditions were evaluated for refolding hGM-CSF using a two-step design of experiment (DOE) including primary screening by factorial design, and then optimization by response surface design. It was found that hGM-CSF inclusion bodies can be efficiently solubilized with 4 M urea and 4 mM β-mercaptoethanol, pH = 9. A response surface quadratic model was employed to predict the optimum refolding conditions and the accuracy of this model was confirmed by high value of R(2) (0.99) and F-value of 0.64. DOE results revealed that sorbitol (0.235 M), imidazole (97 mM), and SDS (0.09) would be the optimum buffer additives for refolding of hGM-CSF. Following refolding studies, the obtained protein was subjected to circular dichroism which confirmed correct secondary structure of the refolded hGM-CSF. The refolded hGM-CSF exhibited reasonable biological activity compared with standard protein. The approach developed in this work can be important to improve the refolding of other proteins with similar structural features.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Inclusion body Refolding Response surface methodology Solubilizing hGM-CSF
Subjects: QV Pharmacology
Divisions: Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences > Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Isfahan Pharmaceutical Sciences Research center
Page Range: pp. 297-309
Journal or Publication Title: Iran J Pharm Res
Journal Index: Pubmed
Volume: 19
Number: 3
Identification Number: https://doi.org/10.22037/ijpr.2020.1101169
ISSN: 1735-0328 (Print) 1726-6882
Depositing User: Zahra Otroj
URI: http://eprints.mui.ac.ir/id/eprint/12069

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