Optic disc pseudoduplication accompanied with macular hole

(2020) Optic disc pseudoduplication accompanied with macular hole. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. p. 2530. ISSN 0301-4738

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A 68-year-old man presented with decreased vision in his left eye since 2 months ago. His best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/400. During the fundus examination, a disc-like lesion was observed inferior to the left optic nerve. A full-thickness macular hole was also detected and determined to be the main cause of his declining vision which needed surgical management [Fig. 1a]. fluorescein angiography was performed [Fig. 1b], and B-scan ultrasonography then revealed that there was only one true optic nerve.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Optic disc,macular hole
Subjects: WW Ophthalmology
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine > Departments of Clinical Sciences > Department of Eye
Faculty of Medicine > Student Research Committee
Isfahan Eye Research Center
Page Range: p. 2530
Journal or Publication Title: Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
Journal Index: ISI
Volume: 68
Number: 11
Identification Number: https://doi.org/10.4103/ijo.IJO₉₂₇₂₀
ISSN: 0301-4738
Depositing User: Zahra Otroj
URI: http://eprints.mui.ac.ir/id/eprint/12537

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