The reinforcing and characteristics of interphase as the polymer chains adsorbed on the nanoparticles in polymer nanocomposites

(2017) The reinforcing and characteristics of interphase as the polymer chains adsorbed on the nanoparticles in polymer nanocomposites. Colloid and Polymer Science. pp. 2001-2010. ISSN 0303-402X

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In this study, the adsorbed polymer chains on the nanoparticle surface are assumed as an interphase layer, which increases the reinforcing efficiency of nanoparticles in polymer nanocomposites. The interphase is taken into account to enhance the effective volume fraction of nanoparticles, which is determined by the Maxwell model for Young's modulus of composites. Also, the modulus and strength of interphase are calculated by proper models. The interphase properties are estimated and discussed for various samples containing different nanoparticles. The present methodology gives fine agreement between the experimental results of mechanical properties and the calculations. Also, the acceptable results for interphase properties are obtained which confirm the validity of the presented models. The small nanoparticles and thick interphase significantly increase the nanocomposite reinforcement. Additionally, Young's modulus of nanoparticles causes negligible effect on the modulus of nanocomposites in spite of the interphase properties such as thickness and interfacial area.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: polymer nanocomposites reinforcing efficiency mechanical behavior interphase properties micromechanical models nicolais-narkis model spherical nanoparticles tensile modulus yield strength particulate nanocomposites hybrid nanocomposites youngs modulus composites nanofiller morphology
Divisions: Faculty of Dental
Page Range: pp. 2001-2010
Journal or Publication Title: Colloid and Polymer Science
Journal Index: ISI
Volume: 295
Number: 10
Identification Number:
ISSN: 0303-402X
Depositing User: مهندس مهدی شریفی

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