DFT Studies of Graphene-Functionalised Derivatives of Capecitabine

(2017) DFT Studies of Graphene-Functionalised Derivatives of Capecitabine. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences. pp. 1131-1138. ISSN 0932-0784

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Cancer is one of the major problems for so many people around the world; therefore, dedicating efforts to explore efficient therapeutic methodologies is very important for researchers of life sciences. In this case, nanostructures are expected to be carriers of medicinal compounds for targeted drug design and delivery purposes. Within this work, the graphene (Gr)-functionalised derivatives of capecitabine (CAP), as a representative anticancer, have been studied based on density functional theory calculations. Two different sizes of Gr molecular models have been used for the functionalisation of CAP counterparts, CAP-Gr3 and CAP-Gr5, to explore the effects of Gr-functionalisation on the original properties of CAP. All singular and functionalised molecular models have been optimised and the molecular and atomic scale properties have been evaluated for the optimised structures. Higher formation favourability has been obtained for CAP-Gr5 in comparison with CAP-Gr3 and better structural stability has been obtained in the water-solvated system than the isolated gas-phase system for all models. The CAP-Gr5 model could play a better role of electron transferring in comparison with the CAP-Gr3 model. As a concluding remark, the molecular properties of CAP changed from singular to functionalised models whereas the atomic properties remained almost unchanged, which is expected for a carrier not to use significant perturbations to the original properties of the carried counterpart.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: capecitabine density functional theory functionalisation graphene quadrupole coupling-constants nitride nanotubes carbon nanotubes prostate-cancer drug carrier nanomaterials nanostructures nanoparticles performance molecules
Divisions: Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences > گروه شیمی دارویی
Page Range: pp. 1131-1138
Journal or Publication Title: Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences
Journal Index: ISI
Volume: 72
Number: 12
Identification Number: https://doi.org/10.1515/zna-2017-0290
ISSN: 0932-0784
Depositing User: مهندس مهدی شریفی
URI: http://eprints.mui.ac.ir/id/eprint/44

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